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5 Signs of LOW Testosterone

The King's testosterone level is too high for the Fat Doctors today, but the King was born with so much testosterone and had the masculine desire to improve on the signs of low testosterone In this video, I want to talk to you about the five signs of low testosterone. The testosterone levels of men are at an all-time low and most men don't even know about it.

Many men and boys just can't do the work they are supposed to do because the effort just doesn't feel good. People with high testosterone can put 12 hours a day into their business and feel fulfilled.

Before the cancer of feminism hit the earth, men were providing for their families and women were at home cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids. The key to increasing your testosterone is to start putting effort into things like your Fitness, your studies, or your business The world is trying to convince us that liking girls is weird. The Sigma Male meme says that it's unnatural to think that if you like girls you are weird, so don't suppress your desire for women. Don't stare at girls, go up and talk to them, and don't even look at their numbers. If you have low testosterone, you put on fat fast and muscle slowly, and this makes sense because girls put on muscle faster than boys.

The reason you are putting on fat fast is because your body is adapting to your level of testosterone. If you stop fapping and eating sweets, your body will start producing more testosterone and will start preparing to reproduce.

Many guys in my gym have a feminine body shape, storing fat on their hips and chest more, and some even have gyno, which is literally breast tissue. This is because they are eating estrogenic food with a bunch of sugar and soy If you have low levels of testosterone, your Primal brain just senses that you are on a lower place in your tribe and that makes you feel anxious. But you can still fight this anxiety by doing exactly the thing that you are afraid of.

If you feel anxious talking to people, just fight the fear and you will start getting used to it. Stay tuned for the next video where I will tell you how to increase testosterone.

this blog is based of Knights Wisdom vid check him out.

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