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8 Life Lessons I Would Give To My Younger Self

This video will be unedited and I will just talk and tell you basically every advice I would give to my YOUNG SEL. Every habit compounds, especially at a young age. If you start meditating at 14, you will have a better jawline in a month and a better mental health in two weeks.

When I was 14, I started watching Hamza and got hooked on this content because I saw a Jeffrey and Aonis animation somewhere on TikTok. I went to Youtube and searched up Jeffrey and Aonis but instead was greeted by a brown guy talking about meditation and journaling. If you don't start now, other guys will crush you and take your money, cars and future wife Start now.

Lesson number two: Start self-improvement. These are the good habits everyone is telling you about, and if you start doing them now, you will be grateful for them in the future.

Meditation will make you more present most of the time, and will fix all your problems literally within few weeks. Go check out my meditation playlist and meditate for literally only 5 minutes every day and you will see the change.If you do gratitude journaling, your life will completely change. You won't have dark thoughts about how you hate everything and everyone, and you will start seeing the world as a better place.

Many guys today believe that reading is a waste of time, but Andrew Tate is wrong. You can just listen to an Audi book or watch a summary. If you watch a summary of a book or listen to audiobooks, you will forget everything you learned because you didn't read the book. You probably don't even know how to read, so you just start saying that reading is a waste of time.

You should read more, learn to read, and follow the core habits of self-improvement, such as how to win friends and influence people, the way of the superior man, and thinking big. The third lesson is to get off Tick Tok. It's the worst social media out there and it ruins your attention span because the scrolling mechanism is conditioning your mind to focus for like 60 seconds Max.

TikTok or Instagram is lowering your attention span and making you dumber. Think about how you are getting dumber and developing mental illnesses by watching it. You probably didn't even look at Tik Tok's terms of services before you started using it.

Tik Tock collects every message, every comment, every name, every picture, and every phone number you write, and monitors your keyboard at all times. Tik Tok is owned by Bite Dance, which is in a close relationship with the Chinese government. This information is going straight to the Chinese government, and all the rich and smart people online are already preparing for a war.

I apologize for this rant, but I think you needed to hear this. Make a new account on YouTube and follow only the people you want to see content from, and click the three dots on the top right corner whenever you see a short.

I used to play League of Legends and was obsessed with mastering Pike. I watched hours long guides from the best players in the world and practiced combos for hours just so I could get to a better rank in the game. Instead of trying to get high status in a video game, I just chased after some symbol next to my name on League of Legends which is literally just pointless. If you start trying hard in the gym today, you will achieve a real physique that actually means something.

Some men spend years of their life trying to get a symbol next to their names in a video game. Don't be like them, switch video games with some good habit like the gym Lesson number five: Experience discomfort. If I hadn't broken my promise to myself, I wouldn't be here talking to you right now.

If you chase comfort and pleasure, you will fall into depression. This is because your dopamine goes down if you take the easy way out, and your dopamine will be so low that you will have to do the pleasurable activities just to feel normal.

If you choose to do the pleasurable things well, doing the things you don't feel like doing will make you feel better, but in the long run, doing the things you don't feel like doing will always be better.

Lesson number six: Take responsibility. Young men are growing up with no responsibility, they are told what to do and how to do it, their parents help them with their homework and sometimes even pick out a sport for them When I started this channel, nobody told me how to exactly do it. It just felt weird, but it's true.

If you are a young man watching this and you relate to me, you need to start taking on more responsibility. You need to make your own decisions and make mistakes, you can't rely on others to tell you how everything is done.

Mental health is more important than physical health, and when you have good mental health, your work literally starts feeling fun. When you improve your mental health, your perception of hard things will go up.

If you improve your mental health, girls will start liking you more. Meditation and gratitude are the best ways to improve your mental health, and soon you will start telling people about meditation just like I do now You aren't supposed to be average. If you made it this far you are the special person, you are here to conquer the world, and you overcame your own Temptations of leaving this video, you are here to build something unique that will change the world.


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