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How to make the hardest things easy

First the habit loop how you can build habits like reading working out studying working on your business and working.

Like with junk food when you smell the chips. That is the trigger

When you eat the food that is the action is when you actually eat the chips

The reward is the your hypothalamus releases dopamine, a hormone that makes you happy.

I just explained how people get addicted to junk food

Know whe know why junk food is so addictive that is not really hard to understand how do we make going to the gym and working studying and and working on your business a habit first lets use working out as a example first the trigger when your alarm goes off in the morning you go do 30 pushups or you go to the gym every time whe do a workout after the alarm goes off our brain link the sound of the alarm to the activity step 1 the trigger the trigger is a alarm step 2 the action workout step 3 the reward like with the chips how the reward was he felt a dopamine. Hit that mad him happy now you have to find a way to reward yourself like instead of having your morning coffe wait to the workout end now that is your reward and the coffe will feel better because you waited before you drink it you brain will associate the coffe with the workout or YouTube or Netflix

It takes around 21 days to form a habit now we made something that was hard to easy if you want more info the YouTube channel will help you and the book atomic habits will help you

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