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How To Make THOUSANDS Weekly With Affiliate Marketing hamza viedo

Jeffrey is sitting in his bedroom, trying to figure out which business model he should get into, when one of his friends Derby asks where he got his water bottle from. Jeffrey quickly gets onto the Amazon Affiliates page, gets the affiliate link and Derby buys the water bottle.

Jeffries in Thailand is enjoying the digital Nomad Freedom that he's always wanted, and it's all from an interesting business model.

When I worked in a homeless shelter I would do night shifts, and I would be sat in the locked basement underneath with the Gated doors and everything, and I would just kind of like sit there for my shift, kill time, fall asleep a little bit, wake up, and watch the homeless guys. Two three four a.m. one guy would get out of his bedroom and with speed walk across all of the corridors, banging on each door, until all the doors opened.

10 homeless guys leave all at once outside of the building, the ring leader is 19 years old, and they all follow him. Every single night they would come back with three bikes, a computer monitor, a laptop, and a games console.

The homeless guys would come in like ants, carrying other recent food that they had caught, and would come back empty-handed, robbing houses and apartments. They would knock on the basement part of the building, and I would let them in all the time.

A guy robbed someone and was inside the same room as me. The 10 guys walking past my room were super respectful and asked if I was working on anything.

I worked some weird jobs, tried different business models, and made really good success with Youtube, but I sacrificed a lot to get to this point. I had a girlfriend, a video gamer girl, and I felt like an adult.

After splitting up with my girlfriend, moving back home to my parents house and ending three relationships, I focused on Youtube and haven't done many night outs. I've had to learn how to hire people and set up my product to be on Youtube.

I received comments which were positive and negative, everyone knew my lifestyle, and I'm still glad that I became a Youtuber, but I think that the business model that I'm going to teach you about today is the best business model for complete beginners.

If you feel directionless and you're not really loving it on YouTube, you can make one grand a month by selling someone else's product. You don't need to make your own sales page, you don't deal with customer service, things, you just sell someone else's product.

When Jeffrey says something good about a product, he is actually selling it to you, because when he mentions something good about a product, a fair percentage of people who watch will naturally want the things that Jeffrey has.

Affiliate marketing is a business model where you can get a cut of the sale by talking about a product you like. For example, if I say that this bottle of sashrogenic is a nice bottle, I can get a dollar for every time someone buys this bottle.

They just got a sale because they didn't pay for this sort of advertisement beforehand, and they probably wouldn't have found their specific website without me mentioning it.

People think affiliate marketing is a scam, but it's just refer a friend system. Tate made a lot of money using affiliate marketing, and people started to question it, but to me it was so common sense to just look at it as affiliate marketing.

You mentioned a product to someone and you make money from that. The product sells, Creator makes money and the customer gets what he wants.

Pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing schemes are slightly more complex, and the person who makes most of the money is the one who recruits new people, but multi-level marketing is more of a scam because you make money by getting people to join the program.

Affiliate marketing doesn't have the trickle-down effect like multi-level marketing does, it's just based on getting some sales. If you're going to mention a good product, you may as well just give them your link.

I just wanted to destroy that misconception that affiliate marketing was like this Shady thing bro, and I will walk you through the process of actually setting this up and actually making real money from this because the average affiliate only makes like four dollars a month or something.

Even though it's such a popular business model these days, I don't really like the idea of starting from scratch constantly and trying to find a new client who's gonna pay you. I'd rather just do the work myself and get paid for it myself.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Search for products or services you genuinely like and see if they have an affiliate program with a high commission

You should first find a product slash Service website that you already like and see if they've already got an affiliate program. If Click Funnels pays a lot, you should probably go all in on that instead of like Amazon.

I suggest that you go and find higher ticket products instead of just choosing like the Amazon ones which are all around you. Focus entirely on bigger products that are at least a hundred dollars or even more click funnels has fantastic affiliate programs.

If you get in there first and tell them oh by the way have you seen answers it's on the school by the way Bros you know join with this look man they'll join and then you get 250 when you literally get someone to sign up.


If you want to affiliate for me, you don't even need to make your own content product or anything like that. I'll walk you through the exact process to actually get people to click on the link and to buy from you. Only one percent of people who watch your Tick Tock will click on the link in the bio or on your Youtube shows or videos. And only one percent of those people will actually buy your product.

You need 10 000 views on a tick tock or a Youtube short to get one sale. If you upload 10 tick tocks on average they each have 1000 views, you could expect to get one sale for every 10 000 views you get.

To make it even fairer and reasonable, let's say it's five times worse I convert thing so it's 50k views you need on in total like over all 10 of them to get one sale. Even then, I still think that's awesome.

Affiliate marketing works when you have a winning product, and you make more of them. Then you get your first million views and you start making money.

If the conversion rate was five times worse than it is, and you needed 50k views instead of 10K, you would make 5 000 from just posting this Tick Tock making and posting the tick tock you don't even need to make the content in the sense of like you know.

If I were you, I would do my own Adonis School affiliate program and the Click Funnels program and ignore everything else. They are both kind of similar on the four Entrepreneurs and you can make almost an entrepreneur make money kind of page on Instagram.

Posting like an influencers affiliate one is way easier than Click Funnels because you can use my content to sell my product to get money for yourself.

This is why I think affiliating for influencer products is probably the best way to go find sneakers product, hot Takes product, maybe Iman's got Affiliates on his one, you can go and use the person's content which you already know performs well.


Affiliate marketing is about getting people to click on your link. The best way to get people to click on your link is through social media, but you can also use blogs and email newsletters.

I think the best thing you can do is focus entirely on posting stuff to social media to get people to click on your link, and then you can post parts of the content that perform well on YouTube onto social media.

It's just a normal YouTube video and eventually that will make you add sense as well as long as you don't pretend you're the official Hamza page. If you do that, my team will take your page down and we will take all of your affiliate payments.

If you pretend to be Hamza and write official Page of Hamza we will take your page down, and if you repost my content we will find you and take all of your work from you.

Your entire year of work has just been eliminated. Now you can make your own money if you make it clear that you are an affiliate for Hamza and not the author.

You can make quite a lot of money from doing this if you write affiliate or official anywhere in the URL in the page. I hope some people see this and don't impersonate anyone online. It's fine to just say you're an affiliate fan of a product, but few guys have literally sent abusive emails. Pro: he changed it faster he's a good guy but still it pissed me off man that's a quick little side tangent Don't piss me off with this I'm literally helping you make money with my own program here don't pretend you're me.

There was another person who was pretending to be Hamza on Instagram and Tick Tock and was selling a fake jaw exercise product that didn't work. He clipped up videos of me and edited them to perfectly make it seem like I was talking about his product. He worked on it for an entire year, maybe he got some sales in the meantime.

Imagine if a fan page was created and then a competitor claimed to be the owner. The owner would then be able to take down the page if he didn't see it within five seconds.

A great way to be an affiliate these days is to do the tick tock like the tape method, but you might need to make your own video, be on camera, and grow as a YouTuber who talks about click funnels.

The better way to sell affiliate products is by selling influencer products. This is because you are selling someone you already know and like, and also because you can get a lot of traffic by reposting their content.

Two ways to repost content: snip up the content and post it to Tick Tock and Youtube shorts, or download the full video and repost it with a new title. Make it clear that it's not the real Hamza.

If you make it very clear that it’s a fan page, you can literally repost my entire video. Just make sure to add Hamza fan page in the description of every video and in the comments of every video.

You could change the title to something slightly more clicky, or you could keep the same title and ask Youtube to take it down if it has a fan page, or if the comments are thinking that it's you.

It used to be the case that you would go and actually like sift through a tape podcast, but now there's Ai software that will do that for you. You can go have a play around with it and make nine shorts with captions straight away.

You can use Twitter, Instagram, or your own content to promote affiliate products. If you already have a social media following, you can just post a link to the product you want to promote.

If you have a self-improvement Twitter page, you can write a thread about the benefits of the product you're affiliating for, such as how sleeping well and eating the right diet can help you become a more effective entrepreneur.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Create 1 piece of content rn

Post one piece of content to any social media of your choice and include the link in the description, the bio, whatever. Then, if you have not already done so, get your affiliate link.

If you use Youtube for four hours a day, post on Youtube, and don't post on Linkedin and Pinterest. You're better off using the social media that you actually use, and not trying to post to all of them.

Imagine if a guy who has grown on Youtube was also posting to Linkedin and Twitter every day. The idea is to focus on one so you can actually get good at it.


If you post the same video to a few different platforms and get most of your affiliate sales from Tick Tock, the low tier people will start wondering why Youtube is not going so well. When you have a platform that is giving you a return on investments, focus on that platform and destroy the others. You will find that one platform will give you most of the sales.

If you open up your brain to multiple platforms you will be worse on all of them. Focus on one platform and get good at it, then start posting to other platforms when you have more sales on your first platform.

You will make more progress in just one thing than in that one thing if you do another thing. Focus on one thing and destroy the mindset that there might be a benefit for you to post everywhere. You've posted your first piece of content, now go post one more piece of content. It doesn't need to be good, but you should post something anyway to feel like you're making some progress.

You should already have posted your first piece of content right here as you listen to these words, and you should post five times a day every day, discipline yourself to doing that, and you can make a lot more money if you actively work on it.

Five posts per day, Tick Tock, Youtube, shorts, or Twitter, and expect your first sale within the first month.

You should have the mindset that getting views on Tick Tock or Short: blowing up is not random, and rather think that there is real data to prove that there is a real cause and effect to induce a video performing well. You have to improve your system and the content that you post every day if you want to make money.

If you discipline yourself to post five pieces of content every single day, you will certainly get a sale. If you keep at it, you can make your first 1K in the first month, and then you can truly scale this up.

I do not lie to you, it's a no-brainer to do it for my program because you'll get paid 250 dollars per sale instead of 25 instead of one dollar for the bottle and it converts the same.

If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and also about Adonna School, you can join that actual Adonis school and you get all the other things I talked about, and you get to go on to calls with me and I teach you about Youtube.

Affiliate marketing is the best business for young guys who have no real experience so far who just want to make a few hundred dollars a month online simply because you don't need your own product or sales page.

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