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Jeffrey keeps getting pushed around by his friends, but he knows they are not even his friends. He needs a friend like Adonis If someone tries to mistreat Adonis, he immediately calls them out in a respectful way and it all stops. The person apologizes, they're genuinely sorry because they know that goddess knows how to deal with toxic people.

I won't play the victim card because I definitely played a hand in this, but I was more of a Target I remember playing video games with my high school friends and being treated like the bottom of the group. One of my friends used to remove me from the call if he got annoyed at something, and I had to message everyone to be added back.

10 years ago I was 15, 16-17 years old and I was going to parties with my friends. At 21 I was taking drugs and I was blind to what was happening in my group of friends. When a few months had passed, I realized that this group was toxic, and that my best friends were telling the girl I was dating to go off with some other guy.

Imagine that your best friend is saying negative things about the girl you're dating to her friends, and the girl is still friends with these people. The entire situation is toxic, and you don't know how to deal with toxic people You probably know someone who is toxic in your life, usually a good friend or family member, and you need to get out of that relationship.

This is advice I've never seen before because I've just made it up, but it's gonna be good right? You need to clarify whether the person you're thinking about is in the Jeffrey or Adonis category The toxic person in your life is either a Jeffrey or an Adonis. If he's a Jeffrey, he's a bad person who doesn't have to be totally evil, but he's just a stupid [__] or he's just a [__] who's just messed up a bit and been offensive.

If the person is an Adonis, you can pull them aside and say you don't really like the way they spoke to you about this and you wish you hadn't done that because it ruins our friendship If you have a Jeffrey person in your life who is wasting time, taking drugs, playing video games, not even trying to improve themselves, you need to cut things off because your potential will be stripped away from you.

You need to agree with this and think to yourself, this person is not even a good person to have in my life, I need to cut them off and just don't cope, don't make excuses. If we cut this person off, it's probably because they've been messed up, but if we want to keep them, we can do it two ways.

The harder way to leave a friend is to sit them down and say you don't respect the things they've been doing, but the easier way is to just say you're never going to speak to them again.

The second and easier way to get rid of toxic friends is to ghost them. This is not healthy to do but you just slowly drop back, stop replying to text, and never go and meet them in some like extra event I used to have a group of friends that I was quite close to, but then I started dating a girl and brought her into the group. The friendship group became more awkward and toxic, and now I feel responsible for letting this happen.

I should have seen the red flags in this girl and brought her into the friendship group, but I was found myself in a toxic situation and the only way to move on was to leave the group altogether. One of my best friends was also a part of this group, and he ended up chatting to her in a weird way and everything, and speaking s**t about me. So I dropped out and left the scene, and I'm now in Dubai. With toxic people, respect yourself, and don't let them influence you. As a young man, you need some aggression to think, so screw them, I'll have a fantastic life without them.

No one will speak to you like this before because it's uncool to speak with a bit of aggression. However, sometimes you need to think like this, so I would highly recommend that you never speak like this to those people but to your own self in your own journal.

Be like this Bro I've experienced the whole spectrum of emotions and thoughts that you can have when it comes to rejection and toxicity and I want to show you the real emotion but to the real world. After I came back from Thailand I realized that this group had turned against me, even though I created them all together. I can get upset about it, but you can move on.

It would sound more humble and cool and attractive if I ended this video just saying like oh you know I just wish the best for them I [ __ ] hate this modern day thing, but I was listening to a song about taking their souls in Thailand.

When my boys come to speak to me, I do meetups very frequently and every single time a couple of guys will come to me and want to ask questions about girls and breakups. I tell them the exact same thing: appear absolutely humble, stoic, calm.

When you go through periods where someone has hurt you, toxic, broken up with you, rejected you, show them that you're calm and happy, but inside unleash that core masculine Primal energy that you have to dominate to destroy and use that into something productive.

I'm here today largely because of the breakup, because of the toxicity, because as soon as they are pissed off about someone they go to the gym, which isn't Healthy, and they just want to feel good. A few years ago, I was pissed off at my States because I got a degree and realized there were no good jobs available after work. That feeling of being pissed off led me to become a leader, a Youtuber, and a successful entrepreneur.

Having negative emotions inside of you could be positive if you use them in the right way. If you're pissed off and you throw your Xbox controller to the wall, you're A Dear Jeffrey.

I go upstairs into the apartments and she's not going for anyone but of course I had bad thoughts. I get so pissed off that I run to the gym in the dark and give a worker an extra workout.

I was abusive towards my girl, and I just threw my weed stash out the third door, but I don't know if it was a good idea to go into this rant, because it's going to destroy a lot of people's perceptions of me. hamza vid not mine

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