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The Luxury Prisons of the Rich & Famous (Documentary) Jake Tran

If you have enough influence, you will never get sent to prison, but if you don't, you will stay in prison for very long. Jordan Belfort got taken down because he screwed over the people with influence Jordan Belfort was able to stay in a luxury prison that looked like a country club, and he played tennis three hours a day and wrote for maybe 12 hours. Luxury prisons are a very real thing, and they run deep in the American justice system.

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Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced to 11 and a quarter years in prison for four counts of criminal fraud Elizabeth Holmes lost her final bid to stay out of prison today. She was sent to one of the cushiest, lowest security prison camps in the U.s the Federal Prison Camp of Bryan, Texas where she will be wearing a standard issue prison jumpsuit for the next 11 years.

Imagine being surrendered by harder and violent criminals, but being surrounded by wealthy white collar offenders who are deemed special enough to serve the time at Brian.

One attorney said that the Bryan Federal Prison Camp is quote like heaven compared to other prisons. He suspects that Jen Shaw and Elizabeth will run into each other and become friends Elizabeth Holmes's sentence was reduced, and she will now spend just over nine years in prison. Foreign celebrities commit crimes just like regular people, but they aren't treated in the same way when they're caught all the way from the arrest to prison.

Lindsay Lohan gets two Dui convictions and cocaine on her both times, you think she spends 84 minutes in jail? Come on man, usually people go to jail for years for these types of charges, and celebrities get crazy privileges like room 7021 in the Los Angeles County Jail.

A few convicted criminals in Southern California have the choice of ditching regular jail and opting for an upgrade. They don't have to worry about dropping the soap or endure the disgusting conditions that the other prisoners are forced to live in in the La County Prison.

For a simple, flat nightly fee, you can avoid all the downsides of prison and Justice. The vast majority of people who participate in these programs do so for Dui convictions.

A pay to stay jail offers amenities you might find at a hotel, but it's not a tree. Alan Warzo, who was charged with forcibly doing stuff to a girl, paid a hundred dollars a night to go to a nice private jail, but that adds up quickly. If you do have the money saved up, it is definitely a no-brainer.

The most expensive jail is 251, the cheapest one is twenty five dollars. One dude got into a freeway car accident while he was drunk killing one of his passengers, ended up spending 72 000 to do all this time in a private jail that is seven thousand dollars more than the tuition of Yale University If you get convicted of something and you can pay for a better jail stay, why do we send people who don't have money into dangerous and often very dirty situations where they might be physically assaulted, they might get very ill?

A guy who spent a lot of time in jail in prison in his younger years was stabbed by someone and did a pay to stay, and he was remarking that he never even knew that existed. But now he knows that there is this other option should you still need it.

O.j Simpson shattered the rule that you need money to have influence, because he got away with murder and never had to look inside a prison cell.

A second killer involved in the Oj killings slept right underneath the Public's Consciousness to this day.

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