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The Secretive Schools that Teach the World’s Richest Kids

One of the oldest and most exclusive boarding schools on the planet is located in the Mounds of Switzerland. It costs 157 thousand dollars per year to attend, and is known as a School of Kings.

La Rose has two campuses, one located in the Chateau to Rosea State in roll built in the 14th century and the other campuses located in Chalets and the ski resort of Gustad. Students study over 20 languages and maintain contact with their own culture.

The Rich Center is a private school with a Sailing Center on Lake Geneva, a fully functioning stable with 30 horses of the best breed in health, a private spa and a five-star dinner prepared by expert chefs every single night.

If you work hard and smart, you can become successful from nothing if you really wanted to, but schools like Lev Rose give Rich Kids a very real unfair Advantage.

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Getting into an elite boarding school isn't easy, even people with a few extra million dollars to spend on their kids education are fighting for the chance to get in. Students are evaluated on their intellectual ability, language skills, character and personality.

3pm - 7.30 pm: Master any sport you could ever think of, learn an instrument at the Juilliard level, or take Rr drama classes that end up getting you onto Broadway, then eat a restaurant quality dinner, then watch a Tena on campus show or lecture.

Harvard and Yale get a lot of their students from schools like the Hurtwood Health School, Iglon College, Layson American School, and the Lawrenceville School, and places like the Rosenberg Institute have an impressive list of former students to back their claims.

Chris It's insane how many wealthy people that influence your lives right now attended these Elite boarding schools. These people are true business people, and they were conditioned from childhood to be successful.

Kids spend eight hours a day in school, and you don't know with whom they spend time. If you don't agree with the teachers' life position, you have to control who teach your kids, and a lot of people miss this.

Institutions like these Elite schools ensure that the Bloodlines in power stay in power, and leave nothing but scruffs for the rest of the 99.99 There's an industry of evidence that private schools help make our country unequal.

As a state school teacher, I want the absolute best for the young people in front of me. Finland banned private schools entirely, and as a result, the rich kids go to school with everyone else and grow up with those other kids as friends.

If you weren't raised in these Elite schools, and you don't have Rich parents, you should be extremely glad that you don't have them. Rich kids have zero drive, and they usually have zero hunger for life.

The Clintons sent their daughter Chelsea Clinton to an elite private school with a tuition of around 50 000 a year.

The Clinton Kill List exposes 50 people connected to Hillary Clinton who died in one of three ways: suicide, plane crash or robbery gone wrong. All of them had dirt on the cleanse that would have ruined their political careers. bye

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