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Andrew Tate workout course

This fitness course is not going to sit there and talk about a whole bunch of science and garbage. It is going to show you how to stay in shape and grow your strength in as little time as possible.

00:57 If you want to go to the gym and train for three or four hours a day, that's fine, but unless you're making money from being in good physical condition like a professional athlete like I was, I don't see the point in dedicating that much time to it.

01:51 This is not about going to the gym, spending two hours, three hours, all that garbage, this is about doing it quickly at home to get it done and out of the way so you can focus on cash. You need two mats, a bar, and 30 kilos of weight.

03:01 I developed this exercise because I was looking for speed and efficiency when training at home. I don't like the gym, but if I'm making money from being in physical condition, I'll go to the gym and train to fight. If I'm not making money from it, I detest getting up packing a gym bag, driving, parking, signing into the gym, going, then getting in the gym and training.

04:16 You lay two mats down, get the bar, and do four sets of 25 of the following exercises with 25 touch-ups in between. These two exercises will work every single muscle group in the body.

05:18 After a two minute break, you have to go again, so do 25 burpees, 25 tuck jumps, and 25 push-ups. If you're doing it with 30 kilos, you won't be able to do that, so start with 10 kilos maybe even 20 kilos.

08:32 We are going to do 100 tuck jumps, four sets of 25 and two minutes of recovery time. If you are struggling, you need more time to rest or whatever, but if you get it done, there are more and more modules to move on to.

09:41 I do three other exercises however I don't think they're necessary at this point. The most important thing you need to do for at least two to three months is burpees 100 every single day or six days a week with the jumps included every single morning.

10:38 You're not bodybuilders, you're not science geeks, you're trying to have a good physique and you're trying to get paid. This allows you to have a good physique quickly that burps your workout with the tuck jumps should take about 18 minutes.

11:37 If you want to be big, do five to eight reps, if you want to be strong, do one to four reps, and if you want to be fit and lean, do lots of high reps with lower weight.

12:52 Any girl look at a bodybuilder and thinks that he is good-looking. Women want a bit of muscle on you, toned, lean and you get that by doing lower weight, 30 kilos higher reps and taking two minute breaks in between.

13:52 The burpees go with tuck jumps together, the squats are on the run, but the burpees are the most important thing. This is an upper body exercise, the squats work your legs and your arms, but the burpees are purely upper body.

14:54 I do this exercise because it's dynamic, it's lots of moving, it's adjusting grips, and it's a few difficult things. I aim to do it four times in a row, changing my grip 10 times, holding the weight 10 times, and changing my grip 10 times.

16:40 If you want to stay in pristine physical condition, do four sets of three exercises, one after another, four times dont hurt your floors with this mat

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