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Home Shoulder Workout for Strength & Size (No Equipment)

We're going to start off with a pike hole and then do a Planche lean. Do 30 seconds of each and make sure you get that hole, get that feel, and heal if you need to. Now we rest, and next we're going to do die bomb push-ups, which are push-ups where you start high, come down low, and then come back up.

Um, so go up, go back, split it up into two sets if it's too much for you, and good work! We're gonna do a wall handstand, and if you can't do a wall handstand yet, just do a pike hold. When you do a wall handstand, make sure you're in a sprinter stance, and then kick up lightly. We're going to do 30 second wall handstands, 10 shoulder taps, and then our hardest handstand variation, and then we're going to completely burn out the shoulder. So get your wall and let's get to it.

We're going to finish this shoulder chest exercise with your hardest handstand hold and then burn it out with pike push-ups. So do your hardest hold five times and then push-ups from that form until you can't do any more.

Five of your toughest one or hold it for 60 seconds then completely destroy your shoulders with those pike push-ups. Leave a like and comment down below which one to see next.

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